the Cedars House rules

Eat. Train. Run. The Cedars House is a cafe, running hub, and personal training center at the start of Forbidden Drive in Philadelphia's beautiful Fairmount Park.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Join Our Outdoor Community-Meet a Friend for a run, hike, bike . . .

The Cedars House is helping people connect in the park. Send an e-mail to with your interest (run, hike, walk, bike . . .), contact information, and availability and connect with one another in Fairmount Park!

Out & About in Fairmount Park
the Cedars House Community of Enthusiasts

Jen: Availability & Distance flexible. Generally loves to run 4-6 miles 3-4 x per week. 10 minute miles (9 minute miles on good days) and hoping to increase speed! Always up for a challenge. Prefers Wednesday & Fridays especially mornings & weekends.

Kerry: Average 10 minute miles for 3 miles. If running more frequent distance and speed may increase! Prefers weekdays between 9:30 & 1:30. Wednesdays are usually best, other days shift.

Leila: 1-mile runs (old athlete with some lower back pain) jogging pace.

Anne: Training for Odyssey Half Marathon. 9.5 - 10 minute pace. Loves to run in park. Weekdays during School hours. 5 mile runs, plus one longer during the week.

Marti: Flexible schedule. Prefers morning runs. Distances range from 2 miles (~8.5 min/mi) to 6 or more (~9.5 min/mi). A bit slower on trails.

Victor: I get on at Rittenhouse and run 4-10 miles. 9 minute easy pace, but because the heat is about to be turned all the way up, I use a heart rate monitor so its about a 10 minute mile. I run through the woods 4 days per week, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday and I'll head out anytime between sunrise and 9 am.

Mary: 26-year old ex-collegiate runner who recently moved to Mt Airy with her husband. Typical availability during the week is between 6 and 7 in the am and after 6 pm- prefers evenings. Pcae ranges from 7:30 - 8:30 depending on the day and "how I'm feeling" and hoping to get down to 6:30 - 7 pace. Training for the Rock n' Roll Half marathon in September.

Kaye: Running Buddy Sought! Wed/Fri evenings 6:30/7, Sundays any time except early morning. 5-9 milrd Maybe trianing for September 1/2 marathon. Forbidden Drive, roads, trails all ok. Reasonably fast pace. Age: late 40s.

I am running a pace of 6:50- 7:30, distances anywhere from 5-12 miles right now. I'm tired of being on the treadmill and would love to have someone to meet up with in the early morning or evening.

Catherine: I am interested in finding a partner who could make early morning runs, especially as fall comes on. I am coming back from some calf issues at the moment, but in general was running 3-3.5 mi at a 14 min pace or so. I am want to try to keep it slow to avoid injuring myself....Planning to do runthebridge in November....and looking for a 5k before then.

Christine: following the rookie training for the 1/2 marathon. Can run 6 miles now- slower in the heat! Can run Thursday eves and other times!

Erin: Wants to train for a 1/2 marathon. Has run one in the past plus several 10-mile races but slowed down in past year. Right now can run 11 minute mile, 3 mile run. Looking for others to join!


Denine: 41 year old hiker. Loves to Walk to Philly or just a couple of miles each morning. Free to hike 7-10 miles each morning until summer.

Debby: Loves to take frequent walks in the park and would enjoy being part of a group.
Leila: Loves the outdoors!

Jane: Interested in walking 3.5/4 miles per hour. Typical distance is 3 miles. Would love to walk with others!

Linda: Interested in fast paced walks/hikes. Available after 4 on most weekdays and flexible on weekends!
Leila: Any Biking. Would love to join a group. C/D/F rider.

Sara: Wants to ride in groups for safety and social. Can ride from the Cedars House to Lincoln Drive or shorter distances are fine. No 0ff-trail riding. Weekends are best. Other times are Tuesdays (except during pick-up/drop-off), and late afternoon, early evenings.

Name: Greg
Interest: bike
Availability: Tuesday's, thursdays, and sundays all day

Mary: Novice rider looking for beginner's group as running is her primary sport. Can ride 20-30 miles!

For now, contact Ricki to get one another's contact information. We are working on an easier method! Cheers!

or Join one of these regularly scheduled runs:

Wissahickon Wanderers Trail Run: 4-5 miles. Starts at 6:30 pm at Valley Green Inn. For details call 215-849-9080 or visit

Shawmont Running Club: Starts at 8:00 am on Forbidden Drive @ Northwestern Avenue. Distances are at the discretion of runners. All levels welcome. emphasis is on fun!

Monday, April 11, 2011

New Pilates Series (Outdoor!) Begins April 30th!

Mat PilateMat Pilates

(outdoor whenever weather permits!)
Saturday mornings
8 am
April 30th - June 4th
(please note there was an error in latest e-mail news. The series begins on April 30th- NOT April 8th. Sorry for any inconvenience!)

6 week series $50
4 week series $40
drop-in rate $12

Sign up in advance for the best rate!
Call 215-285-5431, e-mail or drop in to reserve your spot today!

the Cedars House
Forbidden Drive @ Northwestern Avenue

Pilates was designed by Joseph Pilates to develop strength, flexibility, balance & inner awareness. This class will show you the basics of Mat Pilates and how you can modify and move to make it easier or more challenging. Pilates is great for athletes and non-athletes alike. The practice builds core strength, reduces risk of injury, improves posture, and aids in breath control. Pilates is a wonderful complement to a runner's routine as it specifically helps to build muscles not necessarily used for running.

Karen Missimer is a full-time teacher, mother of two, and avid triathlete. She loves doing anything outdoors. Karen has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor for many years. She began teaching Pilates as the result of a challenge from a friend who told her how hard it was. After taking a few classes, Karen agreed and felt energized by the challenge! She decided the best way to truly understand and practice the exercise of Pilates was to become an instructor herself. She has been teaching Pilates now for three years.